A Fun First: Swine Flu

So in the past week, it seems that everybody has their mind on the flu. Not just any flu mind you, the SWINE FLU (commence shudder). Yes indeed, it is the virus that has swept across the globe killing countless victims. Well, they always keep a count, don't they? Notice how unsavory this news story was only a few weeks ago when the disease was limited to Mexico and the number of cases in major countries (namely the U.S.) was a pitiful (and not newsworthy) number.

I do believe that the swine flu has claimed fewer lives in its spread here in the U.S. than there are deaths caused by car accidents in one day. But boy is the scare big. I've had a cold the past few days (I feel much better now), and I think I've had three people accuse me of having the dreaded swine flu (joking or not, its still a bit ridiculous). Its even more interesting to see the panic this new string of influenza has induced. It makes sense in Mexico. It makes sense in the elderly and in children. But seriously, the swine flu has been fatal in very few cases.

In my opinion (and its not an overly educated one, but a fair enough guess), this string of flu is a lot like the string of the bird flu that we are used to. The big differnce, and the reason why many people have been affected by it, is that we aren't vaccinated against it as we are to the common bird flu.

Considering the mass panic the government is inducing, and the fear in the hearts of family members who have witnessed their loved ones destroyed by this virus, I would say that this strain would be better called ZOMBIE FLU.

That's right. Zombies. And do you know what I'm going to do? In the words of Max Brooks, I'm going to organize before they rise! That means keeping my eye on this "swine flue". Bah. Who do they think they are fooling? I'll tell you what this virus is: a zombie one. Yup, the non-fictional t-virus, the 28 Days Later flukey gone wild, the real shiznit. Their numbers may be small now but just wait. In a few weeks the number of "cases" will rise and soon entire regions will be engulfed by the swine flu! They may even get me...Oh GOD no! NOT THE SWINE FLU! AH! OMG AM I GONNA DIE?! OMG SWINE FLU! HEY HAVE YOU HEARD ABOUT SWINE FLU...? HEY...hey........


Seriously. Enough already. This pales in comparison to the diseases you SHOULD be afraid of.


Anonymous May 3, 2009 at 7:11 PM  

This is why I looooooves you so much, Bestie. You are hilarious. OMGZOMBIES!

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Tabitha first started to immerse herself in game design in her second year of high school. She has since been passionate about designing video games and the industry they are designed in. Tabitha has worked on several independent projects and has more recently worked in two team projects for her university. She has had ample experience in every area of development from programming to design and is also versed in the business of production. She has also built her experience through an accredited game design course at the University of California Santa Cruz.

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I started this blog for a couple of reasons, first and foremost is that Allison inspired me to do so; I too miss writing. Secondly, I have a lot of random ideas going through my head, some humorous, some political, some about video games, some about nature, and all random. What better a place to dedicate my random thoughts to than a place viewable by my friends and others interested. Who knows? I might become one of those crazy cool internet icons...(just kidding). 

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